
Excerpt: Gospel

Yes, this is an excerpt from the book I'm working on. There will certainly be a few mistakes here as it's a very, very, very rough draft. While this is theoretically geared for people interested in becoming dog trainers, this bit jumped out during a reread this morning. It's about dog training but seemed relevant on a much grander scale. 

"...I’m teaching these dogs, yes. I’m teaching these adults, absolutely. When I’m teaching kids I consider it a gift from the universe to make up for the sins of my past, the ignorance we had in a different time that led to a badge I wear up my right arm and the memory of a dead dog. We didn’t have a relationship with Nico. We just had Nico. There is a difference, a difference I can see as clear as day now. The science, data, and every indicator is showing that this difference does exist, this difference does matter. We must do better at listening to those who have taken the time to study and learn, and weigh that against tradition. We must stop listening to entertainers on television and accepting their language as gospel over those who are actually educated in a field..."

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